I finally have something to blog about.....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Phew....Round One is over!

Last week, chemo treatment number 6 went off without a hitch.  They told my dad that he would be super tired after this last treatement of the cycle and so far that has played out to be true.  He has been sleeping 10 or so hours a night and then having 2 or 3 long naps during the day.  I usually talk to him on the phone 3 times a day and he keeps me updated on how much he has slept.  One thing that has been a problem is his lack of appetite.  He has not been nauseated, just not hungry.  He also has been sleeping through meals.  After talking to him on Monday about how little he has been eating, I decided the kids and I would meet him in Greene for lunch.  He ate a huge meal, plus part of mine.  I know he will eat when a meal is placed in front of him, he just isn't real good at making himself meals.

He had a dose of Avastin yesterday, which has actually been in the news lately. Read this article if you are interested in learning about Avastin and breast cancer.  The news doesn't seem to affect colon cancer patients yet. Anyway it was a short infusion, and then he had a CT scan of his lungs and abdomen and we will hear about the results of the scan on July 13th.  He has a chemo free week next week which he is really looking forward to.  I am very anxious about the appointment with the oncologist on the 13th.   I'm hoping the chemo is doing what it is supposed to and the doctor is happy with his progress.

I think everything is going much better than I had anticipated and some of my fears were unfounded.  I know there is a long road ahead for my dad, but I feel calmer, and better equipped to handle whatever comes our way in the future.  I know my dad does too.

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is doing the job and that the Dr has nothing but good news for all of you. glad you are all getting through this but sorry you have to.
